Understanding Why You Need to Upgrade Your Garden

Have you taken a good look at your garden lately? Really examine it -- the plants, the layout, the features. If it's been a while since you've made any significant upgrades, it may be time now. Not sure where to start? Don't worry! Here are some key reasons why investing in garden upgrades can make a big difference for you and your outdoor space.

Consider the Overall Design

Take some time to think about the overall design and layout of your garden. Do you have a good balance of plants, trees, flowers, and greenery? Is there a focal point that draws the eye? Do different areas flow together well or does it feel disjointed? A professional garden designer can help optimize the layout and design elements to improve the aesthetic appeal and functionality. They can identify trouble spots and opportunities to make the space more cohesive. An upgraded design can transform your garden from blah to beautiful.

Refresh Tired Plants and Features

If your garden features like walls, walkways, benches, or trellises are worn down, or if your plants are overgrown and unkempt, then your garden is crying out for renewal. Out with the old, in with the new! Replacing tired plants with new varieties gives your garden a fresh appeal. Upgrading hardscaping features or adding new ones like fountains or lighting breathes new life into the space. A garden designer has the creativity and expertise to recommend exciting new plants and features to give your garden the makeover it needs.

Expand Usable Space

Does your current garden feel too small or restrictive? Are you itching for more usable square footage? Garden expansion projects open up new possibilities! Knocking down walls, extending beds and borders, adding hardscape features like patios -- a garden designer can help reimagine the possibilities. Whether you want more space for entertaining, plant beds, play areas, vegetable gardens, or all of the above, an upgraded layout can deliver the extra room you've been dreaming about.

According to Garden Pals, 55% of American households take part in gardening activities. Take a fresh look at your garden and consider whether upgrades could take it from good to great. The right improvements enhance aesthetics, refresh tired areas, and expand usable space. Investing in a garden upgrade project with the help of a talented garden designer is an exciting way to breathe new life into your outdoor oasis. If you're looking to work with a garden designer to create the perfect garden space, reach out to us at Landscape Design West today.

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